• EXPERENCE: Graduate Assistant
- TITLE: Graduate Assitant
- COMPANY: St. Mary's Univeristy
- COMPANY WEBSITE: www.stmarytx.edu
- DURATION: Jan 2006 - Aug 2006
- PROJECT: The Electrical Engineering department of St. Mary's University was setting up a new lab for Control System and Data Acquisition.
- DESCRIPTION: The new Control Systems and Data Acquisition lab required about 10 computers, each equipped with LabVIEW software and NI ELVIS workstations. The experiments for the lab were to be designed and tested with the equipment. Moreover, it was required to include some special equipment so that the students get hands on experience with real time implementation.
- JOB FUNCTIONS: The primary function was to determine which equipment would be most suitable for the given lab and resources. A limited budget and a minimum number of equipment to be included was provided by the department. An extensive research was done along with a comparison of products from various vendors and the most appropriate vendor was chosen for the given budget. Once the equipment was ordered, it was required to test them on LabVIEW workstations to make sure that they are fully functional. A set of 15 experiments along with detailed documentation was then implemented. Each of these experiments had to be tested and the consistency with documentation had to be verified.
- DOWNLOADS: Lab POSTER (For Introducing the Lab to the university), Inital report on equipment selection, Final project report, Lab Status File