•PROJECT: Wall Following Robot
- AIM: The primary aim of this project was to get master the HCS12 micro-controller. The project helped in getting familiar with interfacing sensors and high current devices (such as motors) with the micro-controller. It provoked self-study for designing respective circuitry and algorithm in order to build the project.
- IMPLEMENTATION: There were no specifications given for the project in terms of what equipment to use or what circuit to use. The students were only asked to design a wall following robot using HCS12. The students were encouraged to understand design parameters and implement them practically. Robot design was also a part of the assignment. A HCS12 evaluation dragon board was used which was interface with four IR sensors and two differential drive DC motors. The DC motors were interfaced via L293D motor drive IC's. HCS12 was programmed in ALP using an appropriate algorithm that was designed. Utilization of I/O ports and A/D conversion was employed in the design.
- STATUS: The project was successfully completed.
- DOWNLOADS: Project Report, Project Video Demo